Establishment of a protocol for the induction of indirect somatic embryogenesis in Allium sativum (Costa Rican Creole Gralic)

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William Watson-Guido
Vilma Jiménez-Bonilla
Jaime Brenes-Madriz


The garlic (Allium sativum), has medicinal and culinary properties, as well as repellent properties that can be used in organic agriculture, which makes it a crop with high demand in our country and in the rest of the world. In Costa Rica there is a native material, much appreciated by the national consumer for its organoleptic qualities, such as taste and smell. The lack of quality seed and lack of material adapted to tropical conditions, as well as the price competition with garlic imported from China and Guatemala (since it is imported at very low prices per kilo), makes it difficult to place it in the markets Nationals Therefore, this research was proposed with the aim of obtaining somatic embryos indirectly and regenerating seedlings free of viruses and other pathogens, to be used as a method of vegetative propagation. The explants used for the induction of callogenesis were radical meristems. The callus was induced in M&S culture medium (1962), with 3% sucrose and pH 5,7, supplemented with 1,0 mg/L, naphthalenacetic acid (ANA), 2,0 mg/L benzyl-amino purine (BAP) and 0,5 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The proliferation of the calluses was obtained by subculturing them in the M&S medium (1962), with 3% sucrose and pH 5,7 supplemented 1 mg/L BAP and 0,25 mg/L of 2,4-D, per month The formation of globular embryos was observed. Embryonic maturation was obtained with the addition of 0,5 mg/L of AG3 and for germination with 0,5 mg/L of BAP.

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How to Cite
Watson-Guido, W., Jiménez-Bonilla, V., & Brenes-Madriz, J. (2021). Establishment of a protocol for the induction of indirect somatic embryogenesis in Allium sativum (Costa Rican Creole Gralic). Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 34(2), Pág. 178–186.
Artículo científico


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