Environmental impact assessment of a diary plant in Costa Rica
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The Environmental Management (EM), as a functional paradigm of the processes of control and sustainability of planned activities, incorporates the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as an analysis strategy to guarantee an environmentally and sustainable execution of actions in different fields. The dairy industry is listed as an outstanding generator of Environmental Impacts (EIs), which need to be analyzed as a contingency measure for environmental protection. In the present study, the identification, assessment and prioritization of environmental aspects (EAs) and environmental impacts (EIs) of a dairy plant was developed. The identification of the AAs was carried out through field views, interviews with plant officials, analysis sessions with company authorities, application of a checklist, analysis of the production process, interviews with experts in the subject and related bibliographic review. The evaluation, valuation and prioritization of AAs and IAs was carried out through the application of the Environmental Impact Importance Matrix (MIIA), using field criteria compiled during the process of identifying environmental aspects. Nine AAs and four IAs were identified; being the AA called water consumption the most critical for the environment, due to high consumption and consequent depletion of the water resource. The three main AAs of a negative nature to the environment were: water consumption, external power supply and odor emissions; with environmental impact values of -87, -65 and -52, respectively.
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