Visionary Process towards Biotechnological Development

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Elizabeth Arnáez-Serrano
Ileana Moreira-González
Silvana Alvarenga-Venutolo
Ana Abdelnour-Esquivel
Dora Flores-Mora
Miguel Rojas-Chaves


The Biotechnology Research Center (CIB), created in 1994, is the research unit of the School of Biology of the Costa Rica Institute of Technology. As a research entity, CIB offers a series of specialized technical services, which resulted from the knowledge gained through a growing number of research projects developed on three research fields: Plant Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology and Biomedical Applications. During the 25 years of its operation, researchers at CIB have shown a strong commitment towards creating science and technology with national and international impact. Additionally, the different cooperation initiatives between this center and other institutions are a clear example of the growth dynamics of this research unit, both in the number of projects and their scientific level, thus becoming a reference at national and regional level

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How to Cite
Arnáez-Serrano E., Moreira-González I., Alvarenga-Venutolo, S., Abdelnour-Esquivel, A., Flores-Mora, D., & Rojas-Chaves, M. (2019). Visionary Process towards Biotechnological Development. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 32(9), Pág 6–11.
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