Zeolites synthesis using as a raw material the aluminium anodizing sludges
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There were found, by atomic absorption and scanning electronic microscopy techniques, concentrations in between of 25,3% and 39,45% of aluminium respectively, in the anodized aluminium sludge on an industry that operates in Ecuador. Besides there were identified minor concentrations of Na, Mg, Ca and Si. Therefore the objective of the present research was to investigate, at the laboratory level, the feasibility of using these industrial residues as a source of precursors for the zeolites synthesis.
The chemical composition of a fixed 20 g of sludge was adjusted by using a sodium hydroxide solutions in a varying concentrations of 0,5 M, 1,0 M, 1,5 M, 2,0 M, 2,5 M and 3,0 M in a mixture with hydrated Na2SiO3 in a constant amount added to the raw material. Molar ratio SiO2/Al2O was kept constant at 1,24 value, whereas the Na2O/Al2O3; Na2O/SiO2 and H2O/Na2O were varied as sodium hydroxide solutions changed in concentration.
The processes of precursor’s dilution, aging and zeolite crystallization were carried out a constant temperature of 100°C for a 48 hours reaction time.
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