Collaborative Consumption Model: A market of Software Pieces – Worker STU

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Mauricio Arroyo-Herrera


The curricula in computing engineer at the TEC has been design under the assumption of the students has a full time dedication. However, it has seen that because the nature of the discipline and its big demand, there are students that get early labor compromises before their graduation. This cause that in many cases they leave the carrier at the TEC; or take the decision to continue at the privative university system where they can work and study at same time. Besides, in the best case they continue at the TEC but impacting the terminal efficacy (with bad performance). This generates high institutional costs because the administrative efforts were done to attract and retain the students; and the opportunity cost is high regarding the spaces in admission quota that other student would have taken advantage.

The present paper proposes a collaborative consumption software platform (named Worker STU) for develop a market of software pieces that booster the students stay and dedication at the TEC and specifically at the Computing Engineer Carrier.

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How to Cite
Arroyo-Herrera, M. (2018). Collaborative Consumption Model: A market of Software Pieces – Worker STU. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 31(2), 26–39.
Artículo científico
Author Biography

Mauricio Arroyo-Herrera

Ingeniero en Computación. Escuela de Computación, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Cartago, Costa Rica. Teléfono: 2550-2380.