Human Error Quantification Models applied in the Modern Manufacturing Industry

Main Article Content

Karla Melissa Salas-Arias
Carmen Elena Madriz-Quirós
Olga Sánchez-Brenes
Magaly Sánchez-Brenes
Juan Bautista Hernández-Granados


This document proposes a review of the use of different methods considered of potential use for the assessment of human reliability in areas of risk greatest. The Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)is to identify and characterize aspects that cause an error in task where have being the human intervention.The application of models to analyze the man-machine relationship focused on the human factor, in modern manufacturing, aims to improve productivity of operations. In this review twelve techniques were identified with increased use in industrial scale which is referenced each.

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How to Cite
Salas-Arias, K. M., Madriz-Quirós, C. E., Sánchez-Brenes, O., Sánchez-Brenes, M., & Hernández-Granados, J. B. (2017). Human Error Quantification Models applied in the Modern Manufacturing Industry. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 30(2), pág. 58–66.
Artículo científico
Author Biographies

Karla Melissa Salas-Arias

Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica. Maestría en Sistemas Modernos de Manufactura. Profesora e Investigadora.

Carmen Elena Madriz-Quirós

Escuela en Producción Industrial, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica. Profesora e Investigadora.

Olga Sánchez-Brenes

Escuela de Diseño Industrial, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica. Profesora e Investigadora.

Magaly Sánchez-Brenes

Profesora e Investigadora. Escuela de Producción Industrial, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Juan Bautista Hernández-Granados

Profesor e Investigador. Escuela de Producción Industrial, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

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