Every time that the journal receives a paper for possible publication, the paper will be submitted to a blind review process by five members of the Scientific board, internal (approx. 11%) and external (approx. 89%). They can rule as follows:

• Accept it as presented.

• Accept it with minor modifications: it corresponds to the editorial board to verify that these modifications are made.

• A second review is carried out once the improvements have been made: it is distributed, blindly, two of the arbitratiors who ruled in this way. In case of a bipolar tie in the arbitration, the last decision is taken by the editorial board.

• Reject it.

Evaluators have one month approximately to complete this process. Also they must complete the respective reviewer's evaluation form.

With the inputs given by the evaluators the editorial board will make the final decision to accept or reject the paper, in case of a new revision the process must be repeated. In any case, the editorial board has the final decision on a paper and this decision is unappealable.

Once the paper has been accepted, it will be published in one of the following issues of the journal as soon as possible (i.e. not necessarily in the issue immediately following acceptance). Editing stages and publication process are detailed in the table below.

The journal is published every six months from March to August and September to February. It is free to subscribe and have access to all materials, as well as to submit papers for evaluation, final editing and publication. It is also open access. Once the papers are accepted, the summaries are published on the journal's facebook so readers can make comments to the authors. Once the paper is edited by the journal and reviewed by the authors, this final version is stored in the journal's servers.