Interactivity in mathematical tasks with GeoGebra Interactividad en tareas matemáticas con GeoGebra

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Adriana Favieri
Betina Williner


GeoGebra software is used to design mathematical tasks for Mathematical Analysis I classes in engineering. An important goal is to get students to use the software without teacher guidance. Students are expected to use GeoGebra independently (without teacher guidance) to solve a problem, performan exercise, or better understand a theoretical concept. In order to integrate both the concepts of the subject and the use of the software, it is considered necessary to use the software gradually in the classroom. Theoretical aspects of the design were narrowed down, focusing on the interaction
between GeoGebra and the students. As a result, mathematical tasks were categorized. Each example is explained in detail. The conclusion refers to some considerations about the designed tasks, the appropriateness of the categorization according to the students’ interaction with the software, and the critical way to use them to ensure that students also acquire skills in reasoning, foundations, and analytical development.

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How to Cite
Favieri, A., & Williner, B. (2023). Interactivity in mathematical tasks with GeoGebra: Interactividad en tareas matemáticas con GeoGebra. Mathematics, Education and Internet Journal, 24(1).
Didactics and Software