Dinámica de hojarasca en un bosque seco tropical tardío y relación con variables de clima y balance hídrico, Costa Rica

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Julio César Calvo-Alvarado
María Rodríguez-Solís
Ana Calvo-Obando


An interannual comparison of monthly litterfall production was conducted in a late successional stage of a tropical dry forest (BsT) in the Santa Rosa National Park. According to the literature, the annual average litterfall production of four years (6.7 ton/ha / year) indicates that the site has a production value in the intermediate ranges for tropical BsT. It was also found that the dry season concentrates 57% of the volume of litterfall biomass. The biomass ratio of leaves and other residues was 56% and 44%, correspondingly, for one year of analysis. No direct relationship was found between annual climatic variables with litterfall production. However, there is clear evidence that the years with the most extended growth season and the smaller evapotranspiration deficits have the highest litterfall productivity.

Keywords: Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, Thornthwaite, evapotranspiration

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How to Cite
Calvo-Alvarado , J. C. ., Rodríguez-Solís, M. ., & Calvo-Obando, A. . (2023). Dinámica de hojarasca en un bosque seco tropical tardío y relación con variables de clima y balance hídrico, Costa Rica. Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú, 20(47), 96–113. https://doi.org/10.18845/rfmk.v20i47.6822
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