Effect of azithromycin on the growth of Chlorella sorokiniana

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Yariela Nuñez-Salazar
Karina Rodríguez-Mora
Eddy Jirón-García
Fabian Villalta-Romero


By employing mixotrophic cultures, the effect of Azithromycin as a contaminant in the culture
medium was analyzed, evaluating the growth kinetics of the microalga Chlorella sorokiniana.
Three concentrations of azithromycin were evaluated in the culture medium: 10, 15, and 25
ppm. Growth kinetics were assessed by calculating the exponential growth rate, doubling
time, and yield rates. Although the viability of Chlorella sorokiniana was significantly reduced
by the presence of azithromycin, this microalga managed to grow for up to 18 days in
azithromycin concentrations (< 25 ppm) higher than those reported in water treatment plants,
which demonstrates its potential to be used in bioremediation strategies. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first report of the growth kinetics of Chlorella sorokiniana at azithromycin
concentrations of 10 to 25 ppm.

Article Details

How to Cite
Nuñez-Salazar, Y., Rodríguez-Mora, K., Jirón-García, E., & Villalta-Romero, F. (2024). Effect of azithromycin on the growth of Chlorella sorokiniana . Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 37(9), Pág. 63–72. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v37i9.7610
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