Biogeochemistry analysis to assess water quality and the aquatic ecosystem in rivers using drones and sensors

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Daniel Barrantes-Esquivel


River pollution is a common problem in many countries, and its analysis from a biogeochemical perspective allows us to understand the full impact on aquatic ecosystems. By examining nutrient cycles, chemical processes in living organisms, and interactions between biological and chemical factors, we can gain a deeper understanding of river pollution. Through the use of technology such as drones and specialized sensors, we can collect essential data to assess key biogeochemical parameters, such as nutrient concentration, oxygen levels, and the presence of contaminants. These analyses provide a comprehensive view of river health, enabling us to take appropriate measures for their protection and restoration, with the aim of preserving the overall health of aquatic ecosystems. The availability of nutrients in the water is crucial for the survival of aquatic organisms. These organisms rely on a variety of essential nutrients to maintain their health and balance in the ecosystem. Biogeochemistry allows us to understand how nutrient cycles and chemical processes in the water influence the availability of these vital elements. When certain nutrients are lacking or present in low concentrations, we can predict the impact on the ecosystem’s health based on the organisms or living beings that depend on those specific nutrients to survive. By analyzing biogeochemical processes, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of how the health of the aquatic ecosystem is related to nutrient availability. This approach helps us comprehend how changes in nutrient cycles and chemical interactions affect the composition and dynamics of aquatic communities. Additionally, it enables us to take appropriate measures to maintain a healthy balance in the ecosystem and ensure the survival of aquatic beings that depend on these vital nutrients.

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How to Cite
Barrantes-Esquivel, D. (2024). Biogeochemistry analysis to assess water quality and the aquatic ecosystem in rivers using drones and sensors. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 37(5), Pág. 85–91.
Artículo científico


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