Helminth eggs: A validation for their determination and quantification in Water, Wastewater and Sludge of Costa Rica

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Ernesto Alfaro-Arrieta
Juan José Alfaro-Lara
Johanna Méndez-Araya
Catalina Solís-Calderón
Ileana Vega-Guzmán


The presence of helminth eggs in water represents a public and environmental health problem, which can affect a large number of the population. Given the lack of an updated and validated methodology and the lack of indication in Costa Rican regulations, a methodology is proposed for the identification of helminth eggs in water, wastewater and sludge. The validation of the technique was carried out by evaluating nine performance parameters such as: Limits of Detection, Limits of Quantification, Repeatability, Reproducibility, Specificity, Selectivity, Sensitivity, Uncertainty and Veracity. Samples of each of the matrices were analyzed by inoculating 50% of them with helminth eggs from a certified reference material. The established methodologies were optimized through sample sedimentation and centrifugation processes to obtain an acceptable recovery. The results obtained from the validation were in accordance with the reference methodologies and with what is required for compliance with national legislation by establishing an appropriate methodology for the identification and quantification of helminth eggs.

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How to Cite
Alfaro-Arrieta, E., Alfaro-Lara, J. J., Méndez-Araya, J., Solís-Calderón, C., & Vega-Guzmán, I. (2024). Helminth eggs: A validation for their determination and quantification in Water, Wastewater and Sludge of Costa Rica. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 37(8), Pág. 121–128. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v37i8.7101
Artículo científico


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