New procedure for the maintenance in the electric substations of interiors to achieve their operational efficiency
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The electric substations of half tension are fundamental parts of the groups of distributed generation, which play an important paper in the readiness of the Electric System of Powers. These for their nature, it changes the conception when analyzing the maintenance techniques regarding those that know each other traditionally or usually used in the conventional substations of external, for what the administration of a methodology for its realization should be well conceived and based. On this work line he/she goes the analysis and conception from the maintenances to the electric cells that conform a substation of half tension of interiors that you/they are used in the groups of distributed generation. Where to carry out the maintenances, the methods and procedures are used applied to the substations of external in their great majority, based on the application of the preventive maintenance, after analysis and studies carried out by the frequent mishaps that you happens, committing the electric power service to the users and existing damages to the primary teams that compose the electric cells, becomes necessary to implement a methodology for the diagnosis and the administration of the maintenance, where other types of maintenances like the preventive ones and predictive are conjugated, we will use for their control and evaluation the maintenance to electric substations by means of indicators of world class, proposing a methodology that is able to improve their operational efficiency.
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