Development of a bulk class embedded system applied in a crystal growth equipment

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Francisco Sánchez-Niño
Francisco De Anda-Salazar
Oscar F. Núñez-Olvera


The design of an interface implemented in the LabVIEW development environment is presented, which is responsible for controlling the operation of the gas system of a crystal growth equipment. In this system, opto-electronic components are obtained through the epitaxy technique in liquid phase (LPE). From LabVIEW a series of commands are sent to an 18Fxx series microcontroller, the microcontroller used is the mid-range PIC18F4550, this device receives the data from LabVIEW and depending on the command it receives, it activates or deactivates a series of pneumatic valves that allow the flow of gases through the epitaxial growth system. In addition to activating the pneumatic valves, the microcontroller acquires a series of physical signals such as temperature, humidity and pressure; this allows monitoring the state of the epitaxial growth process from the LabVIEW interface.

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How to Cite
Sánchez-Niño, F., De Anda-Salazar, F., & Núñez-Olvera, O. F. (2024). Development of a bulk class embedded system applied in a crystal growth equipment. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 38(1), Pág. 33–43.
Artículo científico


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