Studying the exothermicity and water balance of fresh garden pruning hydrothermal carbonization

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Silvia Román-Suero
Beatrix Ledesma-Cano


This study has investigated the possibility of hydrocarbonizing a biomass residue abundant in urban areas, such as grass directly obtained from pruning, with all its moisture content. The aim is to capitalize precisely on the inherent water in the material as a medium for hydrothermal carbonization. We investigated the possibility of carbonizing the biomass on an autoclave system usually used to perform HTC (Parr, 1,8 L) and follow the degradation of the material on its own water, that was at the end collected and analyzed, with the solid residue (hydrochar). At the same time, we tried to follow the temperature and by comparing target and real temperature (subtracting the effect of thermal inertia) and explored the participation of degradation through exothermal reactions. After each run (performed under two temperatures: 200 and 220 ºC, and different mass loads ranging 18-100 g) we measured the heating value of the hydrochar and density, pH, and conductivity of produced water. It was found that degradation reactions are effectivity enhanced at higher temperature, giving yield on a greater solid yield and heating value. Water phase production was improved with mass load, and, if cooling time was enlarged, it decreased at expenses of increasing final solid mass, clearly pointing to recombination reactions where water is consumed. Temperature profiles during heating and isothermal regime reached peaks that in all cases surpassed by up to 20 ºC the target thermal conditions, and this behavior was also noticed in the system pressure. Therefore, applying the hydrothermal carbonization process to residues such as grass pruning leads to the obtaining of carbonaceous materials that are around calorific value values ​​between 24-26 MJ/Kg that compete with briquette-type biofuels obtained from other biomass by these same processes. In addition, the hydrochars obtained can be used as a soil amendment or as precursors in activated carbon.

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How to Cite
Román-Suero, S., & Ledesma-Cano, B. (2023). Studying the exothermicity and water balance of fresh garden pruning hydrothermal carbonization. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(10), Pág. 66–72.
Artículo científico


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