Optimal design of the pellet production supply chain from agro-waste in Querétaro, Mexico

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Luis Fernando Monroy-Garduño
Dulce María Aguilar-Murguía
Carlos Eduardo Guzmán-Martínez
Claudia Gutiérrez-Antonio
Sergio Iván Martínez-Guido


Global energy demand has increased dramatically due to population growth. In Mexico, there has been a 209% increase in electricity consumption at the national level from 1990-2020, reaching 307.480 TWh (EIA, 2021). In this sense, it is now necessary to identify new sustainable energy sources with which it is possible to meet the needs economically and efficiently. Biomass is one of the most abundant and available components on the planet, so it is a crucial part of the production of bioenergetics that promote the circular economy (Pradhan et al., 2019). Specifically, using residual biomass from agro-industrial processes as a raw material for biofuels is an attractive alternative with which it is possible to visualize a sustainable energy landscape while promoting the integral management of this waste. Thus, this paper proposes the optimal design of the supply chain of pellet production from agro-waste, taking as a case study the state of Querétaro in Mexico. For this purpose, a linear integer mixed mathematical optimization model was proposed, encoded in GAMS. The results show that it is possible to satisfy 62% of energy in Querétaro using pellets obtained from agro-biomass. In addition, these biofuels allow a 20% reduction in emissions by replacing conventional sources for energy production with agro-waste.

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How to Cite
Monroy-Garduño, L. F., Aguilar-Murguía, D. M., Guzmán-Martínez, C. E., Gutiérrez-Antonio, C., & Martínez-Guido, S. I. (2023). Optimal design of the pellet production supply chain from agro-waste in Querétaro, Mexico. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(10), Pág. 27–34. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v36i10.7008
Artículo científico


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