Stylistic-constructive influence of the non-residential Costa Rican Caribbean architecture of the Limón City Historic Center

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Ariel Valerín-Víquez
Ileana Hernández-Salazar
Jose Pablo Bulgarelli-Bolaños


In this article, are communicated the results of the first specific objective of the Final Graduation Project (FGR) titled “Conservation of the wooden structures of the Costa Rican Caribbean non-residential architecture with patrimonial declaration”, to obtain the Architecture Bachelor’s degree in the School of Architecture and Urbanism Planning of the Costa Rican Institute of Technology (TEC). The objective is to identify the construction systems of the buildings in study: “Casa Misionera de la Iglesia Bautista” and “Antigua Capitanía de Puerto Limón”, as well as the particularities they present, through on-site work and documentary research. Currently, there is a deterioration of this type of buildings with heritage value as a result of the loss of the trade and, therefore, of the technical and constructive knowledge applied at a specific historical moment. For this reason, it was proposed to carry out an analysis of the structural components that conform these buildings, identifying, mainly, the dimensioning of pieces, the distances between these elements and the formal configuration of each component. The product obtained was the identification of a framing system which was denominated as a Costa Rican Hybrid in Casa Misionera and an Adapted Platform Frame in Antigua Capitanía; in addition, the particularities of each case analyzed were identified, especially their characteristic joints.

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How to Cite
Valerín-Víquez, A., Hernández-Salazar, I., & Bulgarelli-Bolaños, J. P. (2023). Stylistic-constructive influence of the non-residential Costa Rican Caribbean architecture of the Limón City Historic Center. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(9), Pág. 43–54.
Artículo científico


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