System for the automation of the attendance record in the classrooms

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Jeisson Paredes
Edwar González
Jahir Gamar Castillo-Santamaria
Lilia Muñoz
Vladimir Villarreal


This project was carried out with the objective of developing a program that would implement facial recognition using Python as a programming language with the ability to recognize students or teachers who enter the classroom. Just by placing your face in front of the Webcam, the screen will display a blue box around the student’s face and display their name. The program will store a record in an Excel document of those people who attended classes. In this document you will find the names of the students and the dates of the week. The program will place a 1 if you attended and a 0 if you did not show up to class, in this way it seeks to avoid the use of paper and maximize class time since some teachers take part of the class to create their attendance records. This process may take more or less time depending on the number of students enrolled in the course.

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How to Cite
Paredes, J., González, E., Castillo-Santamaria, J. G., Muñoz, L., & Villarreal, V. (2023). System for the automation of the attendance record in the classrooms. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(8), Pág. 83–93.
Artículo científico


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