Use of mobile applications for the development of SMEs in San Antonio de Escazú

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Daniel Rodríguez-Ugalde


Mobile applications are increasingly important as tools for the operational development of SMEs in the country. In this work, an exploratory research was carried out to analyze a first outline of the possible social, generational and technological causes regarding the lack of implementation, use and development of mobile applications in the district of San Antonio de Escazú. The action-research process was chosen as the main methodology for posing the hypothesis problem, scope of action and delimitation of the sample, and application of the research instrument. Various sources were also consulted, such as the State of the SME Situation 2021, the Cantonal Competitiveness Index of the University of Costa Rica, the register of active companies of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Foreign Trade, the Yulök magazine article regarding the socio-historical characteristics of generational groups in the country, the Cantonal Development Plan 2019-2029 of the Municipality of Escazú, among others. The data obtained through surveys indicated that there could be a relationship between the generational group to which a person belongs and their familiarity with technology, which means that SMEs led by people to the satellite and preacher generations tend to use less tailored applications for most of your daily operational tasks. Likewise, the importance of carrying out a more detailed investigation to corroborate the results obtained and delve into others with the help of local governments is strongly recommended.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Ugalde, D. (2023). Use of mobile applications for the development of SMEs in San Antonio de Escazú. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(8), Pág. 66–82.
Artículo científico


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