Knowledge transfer from universities to companies

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Jorge Henry Betancur-Amariles
Gastón Darío Rodríguez-Santana
Jhon Fredy Garcés-Bolívar


The transfer of knowledge (KT) from universities to companies takes place in multiple forms, one of which is the internship carried out by the students and supervised by professors. The aim of the research is to analize the impact of KT on knowledge management (KM) in companies. The research problem arose when analysing the professional practice in the universities. The methodology applies two components: the first identified the variables involved in each case of KT to both sectors and enterprises, levels and areas of implementation, areas of knowledge; the second analyzed knowledge management in the framework of Nonaka & Takeuchi’s theory based on the three components of the theory: the four forms (FM), five conditions (CD) and five phases (FS). The results will analyze with the support of SPSS software in order to reflect the impact of KT, and the way transferred knowledge is managed within companies.

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How to Cite
Betancur-Amariles, J. H., Rodríguez-Santana, G. D., & Garcés-Bolívar, J. F. (2023). Knowledge transfer from universities to companies. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(7), Pág. 34–44.
Artículo científico


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