Natural Capitals and their Conservation in Rural Communities of Guatemala

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Carlos Vargas-Galvez
Michelle Bustamante-Castillo
Manuel Barrios-Izás


The integral processes of conservation of the natural capitals used by rural communities require a balance between their exploitation and conservation, with effective strategies based on the knowledge and valuation of these resources. This study highlights the importance and level of appreciation given to natural assets in two groups of rural communities in eastern Guatemala, proposing conservation measures based on the conservation status of some of these assets and based on successful programs. of conservation of the country. The study highlights the recognition of certain natural capitals as the most important, such as water and solar energy. In addition, it discusses the conservation challenge for other capitals such as firewood and ocote due to their inefficient use. The study revealed that it is essential to promote greater awareness of the intrinsic connection and respect for nature in the rural communities under study. Fostering values ​​such as conservation, preservation, and harmony with the natural environment can strengthen the relationship between communities and natural resources, promoting more responsible and conscious management. By considering the needs and perspectives of local communities, more effective strategies can be designed that promote both human well-being and the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

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How to Cite
Vargas-Galvez, C., Bustamante-Castillo, M., & Barrios-Izás, M. (2024). Natural Capitals and their Conservation in Rural Communities of Guatemala. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 37(4), Pág. 110–132.
Artículo científico


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