Open software to determine the behavior of semiconductor diodes

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Josnier Ramos-Guardarrama
Maykop Pérez -Martínez


In this work, a new computer program is presented that allows analyzing the behavior of semiconductor diodes, with the added benefit of its use for teaching and the study of programming codes. The development of open software Scilab and its expansion in engineering careers related to electricity, has made it possible to have the computer means necessary to achieve this package of programs. Each module answers a typical problem or solution, by using mathematical models of diodes. In this way, it is possible to observe the behavior of the diodes, their possible injection of harmonics into the electrical network in the rectifiers and the effect of the temperature in the semiconductor junction with respect to electrical losses. The program is in its early stages of development, and it is expected that it will continue to grow in specific models and applications. The potential of Scilab allows quality technical solutions, with documented code and having a collection of outstanding engineering libraries. The results obtained are the waveforms in the elements of the presented circuit, calculations of maximum, effective or average magnitudes, as well as factors and the total harmonic distortion. Its usefulness to improve the teaching-learning process through simulation is recognized, for which 30 second-year students of the Electrical Engineering career were taken as a sample. For the numerical solution of the most complex dynamical systems, the mathematical method of state spaces is used.

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How to Cite
Ramos-Guardarrama, J., & Pérez -Martínez, M. (2024). Open software to determine the behavior of semiconductor diodes. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 37(3).
Artículo científico


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