Artificial Intelligence in STEM Education: Interactive Handson Environment using Open Source Electronic Platforms

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This article describes an interactive methodology to teach Artificial Intelligence (AI) through the contructivism philosophy of learning by doing, using, open source electronic platforms, like Arduino, Snap Circuits, Raspberry Pi and Circuit Playground, with an interactive hands-on approach Workshops. These are provided to high school and non-engineering students by (previously trained) engineering students volunteers. The methodology proposed is designed to highlight, in different learning activities, key concepts about Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI abstractes the human intelligence processes through algorithms and computer systems, taking advantage of the amount of data generated nowadays to create innovative, effective, efficient, accurate and at low cost solutions, applied in different fields. The main purpose is to motivate the participants to explode its creativity, improving their innovation skills to provide solutions for XXI century problems, better quality of life, health, among others. A survey will be conducted for the students to find insights about effectiveness of the proposed methodology to better acquire knowledge about AI knowledge. We encourage instructors to use similar interactive hands-on methodologies and to include AI concepts with STEM activities into general education courses. Other concerns of AI, is about the fairness of these algorithms, the inclusion and diversity is a key player in how these systems are built, and it can have consequences as the person perspective when building it The idea of the need for diversity and inclusion of the AI field.

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How to Cite
Danny, & Esteban. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in STEM Education: Interactive Handson Environment using Open Source Electronic Platforms. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(6), Pág 45–52.
Artículo científico


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