Design of a deposition system for a ferromagnetic pheromone from a mobile robot for swarm robotics

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Daniel Monge-Chaves
Juan Carlos Brenes-Torres
Cindy Calderón-Arce


This paper presents the design, implementation, and validation of a deposition system for a ferromagnetic pheromone. The project originates from the necessity of a bio-inspired communication method, like pheromones, on a swarm of mobile robots. This was desired to achieve a collective behavior due to the interaction of several robots. The designed system was able to deposit pheromone drops of 6mm in diameter, with a 1.5% error and a magnetization time of 30 minutes, by using a Robotino robot.

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How to Cite
Monge-Chaves, D., Brenes-Torres, J. C., & Calderón-Arce, C. (2024). Design of a deposition system for a ferromagnetic pheromone from a mobile robot for swarm robotics. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 37(2), Pág. 109–120.
Artículo científico


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