Adsorption and dosage of Ca in soils of Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Adsorption isotherms have been used to evaluate nutrients in soil. The soils of the Argentinean Pampas have been considered well-endowed with bases, although there is evidence of their decrease caused by agricultural activities without replacement of nutrients such as calcium (Ca). The objective was to adjust adsorption isotherms and dosage equations of Ca in agroproductive soils of Buenos Aires. Bellocq, Inchausti and Belgrano soils were weighed and solutions with different Ca concentrations were added. The equilibrium concentration was determined after stabilization and the results were adjusted according to the Langmuir, Freundlich, Van Huay and Temkin isotherms and equations of dosage. The Van Huay isotherm was able to predict with high degrees of adjustment in the three sites (R2>0.98) and only the Freundlich equation was adjusted to Bellocq. The dosage equations were adjusted in all the soils, in a first segment with quadratic equations and in a second segment with linear equations. The Belgrano soil differed from the other sites in the parameters of the Van Huay equation, suggesting a greater affinity with the colloids and a greater reserve of the nutrient in the short term, associated with its higher content of CO, CEC and possibly, P. The results found could be compared with studies carried out in K and/or in tropical soils. These studies suggest the possibility of using adsorption isotherms and dosage equations as tools for decision-making in fertilization in soils of Buenos Aires.
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