Study of high planting densities on the production of hybrid maize (Zea mays)

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Daniel García-López
Rafael Alonso Hernández


Corn is the main grain in the Mexican diet and one of the most important grains worldwide. However, due to its high demand, strategies are required to obtain high yields during its cultivation. In order solve this problem, the effect of high planting densities of the hybrid maize AZ-60 was evaluated. A randomized block design was used in plots to compare maize planting densities in a drip irrigation system and height, stem diameter, fruit values ​​and yield estimation, were evaluated. Three planting densities were selected for the treatments(T): T1) density of 150,000 seeds per hectare; T2) density of 120,000 seeds per hectare; T3) density of 90,000 seeds per hectare. During the harvest period, it was determined that variables such as plant height and stem diameter did not show significant differences. However, it was observed that fruit variables such as number of rows, grains per row and grain weight, the highest values ​​were presented in plant density of 90,000 seeds per hectare. As a result, when estimating the grain yield, differences (p<0.05) were observed between the treatments, the highest being observed in T3 with 7.55 tons per hectare; meanwhile, treatments T2 and T1 were estimated at 5.50 and 5.27 tons per hectare, respectively. It was concluded that the differences observed can be attributed to the increase in intraspecific competition for resources at higher planting densities.

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How to Cite
García-López, D., & Hernández, R. A. (2023). Study of high planting densities on the production of hybrid maize (Zea mays). Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(4), Pág. 160–168.
Artículo científico


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