Brief technical look on 12 years of design and construction of Social Interest Housing: Case study of CFIA’s quality audits

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Erick Mata-Abdelnour


For the research associated with this article, the reports of the quality audits carried out by the Federated College of Engineers and Architects of Costa Rica (CFIA), during the period from 2006 to 2018, were reviewed. The most important variables that reflect the fulfillment of technical quality criteria of the houses were extracted to observe the behavior of these over time. Through the comparison of historical series, trends are analyzed and defined in the main structural, architectural, electrical, mechanical and urban aspects fundamental to the design and construction of social housing and are grouped into the positive aspects that have been maintained, those that have improved and problematic aspects that still exist. Finally, recommendations are provided on possible next steps that the National Financial System for Housing could take in order to promote improvement actions.

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How to Cite
Mata-Abdelnour, E. (2023). Brief technical look on 12 years of design and construction of Social Interest Housing: Case study of CFIA’s quality audits. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(4), Pág. 45–58.
Artículo científico


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