STEM education in semi-virtual interactive environment

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Danny Xie Li
Esteban Jiménez Valverde
Esteban Arias Méndez


The Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to change the way we used to handle education in our homes, through sanitary restrictions that seek to prohibit or reduce physical contact, moving from the traditional way to a virtual methodology; reason for which we must look for new solutions to adapt to this new teaching strategy. In addition, the pandemic has accelerated the arrival of the 4.0 revolution or technological revolution, where new challenges arise for society. The above reasons serve to justify and encourage that STEM education cannot stop. However, given the crisis we are experiencing and the solutions provided, the excessive use of virtual environments can affect areas such as psychological, social, etc. Through this project, a learning model implemented through volunteers is proposed, based on an interactive semi-virtual environment, where the participant can interact synchronously with a volunteering model provided by the volunteer tutor, and the learning process is supported through workshops and the use of virtual tools.

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How to Cite
Xie Li, D. ., Jiménez Valverde, E. ., & Arias Méndez, E. . (2021). STEM education in semi-virtual interactive environment. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 34(6), Pág 38–46.
Artículo científico


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