Physical and mechanical behavior of non-structural elements elaborated of concrete made with rice husk fiber

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Pala A. Martínez-Gatica
Stephane Hans
Mauricio Araya-Rodríguez


In this research work, the physical and mechanical behavior of concrete dosages with natural fibers used for the preparation of non-structural block elements were studied. The dosages were made with a Portland cement binder and as the only aggregate the rice husk without any previous treatment, in this project, this mixture is called bio-concrete. This project was carried out at the National School of Public Works (ENTPE) of the University of Lyon in research alliance with the School of Engineering in Construction of The Tecnológico of Costa Rica. Different formulations of bio-concrete were studied where mechanical behavior like compression in cylindrical specimens was analyzed in order to choose two formulations, one for Costa Rica and one for France. Once the formulations were chosen, it proceeded to study the mechanical compression behavior in cylinders, the flexion in prisms, the thermal behavior in specimens of both formulations, culminating with the mechanical behavior of compression and flexion of blocks of 15x20x40 cm (width, height and large). The results show compliance with the minimum resistance to compression of the regulations in force for Costa Rica and France, both formulations also allow to have a material with high thermal insulation capacity and densities less than 1 500 kg/m3. Therefore, the material is not limited to be used in walls, but could be also used in ceilings, floors and finishes.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Gatica, P. A., Hans, S., & Araya-Rodríguez, M. (2021). Physical and mechanical behavior of non-structural elements elaborated of concrete made with rice husk fiber. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 34(5), Pág. 40–61.
Artículo científico


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