A novel diagnosis system concept for Safe Distributed Systems
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This article is based on the design of a diagnosis system for the Energize to Trip Actuation System (ETTAS). The ETTAS project proposes a sustainable and safe alternative to operate valves in subsea production systems without contaminating the subsea with hydraulic fluids. As this is a Safe Distributed System, its design requirements seek a Safety Integrity Level of 2 (SIL 2), which involves an implementation of a diagnosis system. The diagnosis system presented here is a concept which can be applied to Safe Distributed Systems in general. The method used to design the Diagnosis System Concept involves the formulation of requirements, the generation of a knowledge base, the approach and selection of proposals, and the design of the final concept. The resulting concept is shown by means of state machines and a Diagnosis System Architecture. It is concluded that the concept increases the diagnostic capabilities in the Safe Distributed System since it is time independent to change states, it minimizes the amount of functionalities and takes advantage of shared memory to make it feasible to diagnose different components in the system.
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