Implementation of analytical methodologies for characterization of geothermal waters for direct uses

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Diana Robles-Chaves
Olman Alberto Arias-Molina


In Costa Rica, important geothermal fields were found with temperatures below 150 ° C. There has been little exploration in this fields and their use are exclusively for thermal baths. Excluding important applications in direct uses, such as air conditioning systems, aquaculture, dehydration, among others. Six geothermal water sites were selected in Cartago with surface temperatures between (43 - 61) °C. All the samples studied are classified as brackish waters with a predominant composition of (HCO3- __ Na+) or (SO42- __ Na+), which could present corrosion or scaling problems. The SiO2 geothermometer is the most suitable for estimating the reservoir temperature wich are in the range between (75 - 83) °C. The analytical results were validated by recovery tests with reference material on the matrix under study, obtaining recovery percentages between (85-119) %.

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How to Cite
Robles-Chaves, D., & Arias-Molina, O. A. (2022). Implementation of analytical methodologies for characterization of geothermal waters for direct uses. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 35(2), Pág. 16–26.
Artículo científico


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