The iterative and incremental model for the development of augmented reality application Amón_RA

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Ericka Solano-Fernández
David Porras-Alfaro


This article presents the use of the iterative and incremental model (IIM) as a methodology for the development of an augmented reality mobile application for Barrio Amon, San José. The software developed for the processing and form of visualization of the information collected, constitutes a pioneering experience in Costa Rica, aimed at the enhancement and dissemination of the historical urban landscape, so it seeks to publicize this research and innovation from the university. 

Methodologically, it began with a bibliographic review that allowed for the comparison of two software development models; a traditional one, called cascade model in comparison with the IIM based on iterations and with partial and functional software releases. The use of both methodologies was then compared in the context of the research project. As a final stage, the application of the methodology selected for the development of the Amón_RA mobile application was analysed.

Among the results, the advantages of using the IIM that prioritized its implementation stand out, for example: the simultaneous production of several modules, constant feedback of the functional aspects by the interdisciplinary team, the possibility of submitting the technologies selected for their development to evaluation processes in each of the increments released in the iterations, with the respective risk assessment and consideration of actions to mitigate their effects during the construction process.

It is concluded, based on the conditions of development of the research project, that the use of the IIM allowed a learning in each iteration, providing a product to the community according to their needs and generating in the research team a greater experience for decision making in future projects that use augmented reality.

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How to Cite
Solano-Fernández, E. ., & Porras-Alfaro, D. . (2020). The iterative and incremental model for the development of augmented reality application Amón_RA. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(8), Pág. 165–177.
Artículo científico


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