Influence of secondary consolidation on the dynamic stiffness of a compressible soil (clays)

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Jordi García-Quirós
Alexandra Ossa-López
Mario Flores-Guzmán
Ivannia Solano-Aguilar


In order to evaluate the influence of secondary consolidation on the dynamic stiffness of a compressible soil, consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial dynamic tests were carried out on soil specimens recovered from the old lake of Texcoco, which correspond to a clay soil.

The tests consisted of two stages. First, the specimens were subjected to a defined effective stress (σ’); once the primary consolidation, a stage in which pore pressure is dissipated, measurements were made of the equivalent dynamic module of Young (Eeq) and resilient module (Mr) at different levels of deviating stress, applying a periodic sinusoidal and haversian pulse, respectively. Once these modules were determined, the material continued to be consolidated with the same level as σ’, in order to establish the influence of the consolidation time on the magnitudes of these. Therefore, two additional measurements were made every 24 hours, thus allowing the variation of the modules throughout the secondary consolidation process to be obtained.

The previous procedure was carried out at different levels of effective effort or consolidation, including loading and unloading stages of the compressibility curve.

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How to Cite
García-Quirós, J., Ossa-López, A., Flores-Guzmán, M., & Solano-Aguilar, I. (2020). Influence of secondary consolidation on the dynamic stiffness of a compressible soil (clays). Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(7), Pág. 227–242.
Artículo científico


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