Visualización de datos de movilidad en la Ciudad de México, Santa Fe

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Sleyter Angulo Chavarría


The smart cities are emerging as a strategy to mitigate the problems generated by accelerated
urbanization, rapid population growth and traffic jam. This paper proposes a solution based on
the collection of open data, which allows us to find variables or behaviour patterns, and then be
analyzed in a multi-screen system. Using this tool, different scenarios can be generated with
real data such as: weather, city events, payment days; allowing to decision makers to perform
critical analyzes of the situation described.


Article Details

How to Cite
Angulo Chavarría, S. . (2020). Visualización de datos de movilidad en la Ciudad de México, Santa Fe. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(7), Pág. 203–214.
Artículo científico


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