Design and Implementation of an Autofocusing Algorithm for the Goniometric Robotic Apparatus for Compound Eye

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Mariana Guzmán Fonseca


The Goniometer Robotic apparatus for compound eye at the Computational Physics Laboratory
at the University of Groningen is requiring an autofocus algorithm that is able to capture focused
images for the analysis of compound eye insect for characterization. In the absence of an
adequate algorithm that manages to place the camera in the right place, GRACE automation
has difficulty searching for the respective image.
Through the present article you will find the design and implementation of algorithm autofocus
structured in modules which improve the organization of the process to achieve an adequate
analysis of compound eyes.
An algorithm has been proposed which executes five techniques of autofocus capability
to determine the sharpness in images in several channels, as well as to use some of those
techniques to improve the positioning of the camera and acquire focused images.

Article Details

How to Cite
Guzmán Fonseca, M. . (2020). Design and Implementation of an Autofocusing Algorithm for the Goniometric Robotic Apparatus for Compound Eye. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(7), Pág. 113–127.
Artículo científico


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