Study of the complexity of Spanish for textual simplification

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Randall Araya Camposa
Paula Estrella
José Arguedas Castillo
Walter Alvarez Grijalba


Most of the work in the area of ​​textual simplification is done on the language
English for having more linguistic resources and about the journalistic genre. But nevertheless,
Due to our context, in this work we concentrate on studying and automating the metrics
existing to measure lexical complexity for Spanish, as a previous step to identifying
of complex sentences and their subsequent simplification. Another novel aspect of this work
is the use of corpus related to human rights, specifically of the
Organization for the United Nations and the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees. The most significant contributions are: the creation of a code tool
open, which generates a report on the complexity of a given text in order to support
to anyone interested in simplifying that text, and the proposal of a new metric to measure
complexity in a multifaceted way. The results obtained in the different experiments
carried out are promising and in many cases confirm the hypotheses raised.

Article Details

How to Cite
Araya Camposa, R. . ., Estrella, P. ., Arguedas Castillo, J. ., & Alvarez Grijalba, W. . (2020). Study of the complexity of Spanish for textual simplification. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(7), Pág. 45–63.
Artículo científico


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