Teleworking and its impact on business productivity and job satisfaction of employees: Recent trends

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Randal Ulate Araya


In recent years it has been observed a growing interest in the study of teleworking from different
fields of economics and business management. The research has been directed toward two
main lines, the first is the involvement of telework in the quality of working life of employees
who perform their duties with this type of work and the second is the involvement of telework on
productivity of firms implement it. This research is theoretical.
Were studied the determinants of success and performance models for implementing telework.
For each of them the dominant theoretical approach is identified, systematizes and integrates
the main contributions, and the possibilities for future development.

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How to Cite
Ulate Araya, R. . (2020). Teleworking and its impact on business productivity and job satisfaction of employees: Recent trends. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(7), Pág. 23–31.
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