Developing a cloud based system for bird nests environment and behavior data monitoring and analysis, following the Internet of Things paradigm

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Alexis Gamboa-Soto


This work presents the design and development of a cloud based system prototype for
monitoring birds in the wild, following the Internet of Things paradigm principles and tendencies.
The behavior and population of birds represent an important metric to measure the health of
an ecosystem, becoming a very important tool to study the climate change influence on the
environment. The system is built using NodeJs for the backend and a Cloud Computing Platform
as a Service technology is utilized for the deployment to enhance the accessibility and scalability,
while reducing operation and deployment costs. For this project, it is assumed the challenge
of deploying the prototype without any monetary investment. The research main purpose is
to set a real time bird nest monitoring web system, for environment and animal behavior data
collection and analysis, designed to define a communication standard for the integration from
custom made devices utilized to collect the data, allowing for a better integration of different
contraptions built to obtain wildlife data with minimum interference and giving enough dynamism
with stateless communication protocols to handle new data types from a wide variety of sensors.
The standardization and centralization aims to solve the current issue of remotely collecting data

Article Details

How to Cite
Gamboa-Soto, A. (2020). Developing a cloud based system for bird nests environment and behavior data monitoring and analysis, following the Internet of Things paradigm. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(7), Pág. 32–44.
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