Initial Approach on Soccer Match’s Scene Classification by Players’ Field Spatial Distribution

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Lennon Núñez-Meoño
Marco Villalta
Francisco Siles-Canales


Soccer player tracking is moving towards the use of high-cost algorithms; however, these are implemented to the whole video recording of interest with no flexibility on the type of scene being evaluated. The current work proposes to classify the scenes according to the players’ distribution over the field, designing a metric for players’ Dispersion Level that would allow implementing a more flexible tracking method that selects a light algorithm for well-behaved scenes and a heavy and robust algorithm for bad-behaved scenes. This work pushes towards considering different existent metrics, as Voronoi diagrams for surface area analysis, in future works to come.

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How to Cite
Núñez-Meoño, L., Villalta, M., & Siles-Canales, F. (2020). Initial Approach on Soccer Match’s Scene Classification by Players’ Field Spatial Distribution. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(5), Pág. 60–65.
Artículo científico