Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) production under greenhouse conditions: comparison between cucumber types

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Three cucumber types (long, medium, and small) grown under greenhouse and hydroponic conditions in Alajuela, Costa Rica, were evaluated to compare their yield and quality both in qualitative (presence of spines) and quantitative (eight variables) terms.  The harvest of all three cucumber types started 31 days after transplant.  Data show a wide variability between cucumber types with respect to:  fruit length (18,18 – 33,77 cm), diameter (43,25 – 49,44 mm) and weight (232,63 – 463,98 g); number of fruits (18,83 – 37,94) and yield per plant (7847,10 – 8715,74 g); yield per area (20,38 – 22,64 kg/m2); and percentage of total soluble solids (3,04 – 3,61 °Brix).  The highest total number of fruits per plant (37,94) and the lowest percentage of total soluble solids (3,04 °Brix) resulted from small cucumber type, while the lowest number of fruits per plant (18,83) and the fruits with the highest fruit weight (463,98 g) were obtained with long cucumber type.  There were no significant differences in total (20,38 – 22,64 kg/m2) and commercial (16,52 – 18,18 kg/m2) yields, between the three cucumber types; nevertheless, the yield of first quality fruits was significantly higher with small and medium cucumber types (12,73 – 12,74 kg/m2), so these are considered the most recommended under the conditions tested from an economical point of view.

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Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) production under greenhouse conditions: comparison between cucumber types. (2020). Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(1), Pág. 17–35.
Artículo científico


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