Use of simulation in construction processes

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Alejandro Ramón-Elizondo
Róger Barboza-Arguedas


In an economic environment like the present, the construction companies should procure that the processes they develop in their projects are characterized by high yields and operational performance, efficiency in the use of materials, high rates of physical and human resource productivity, and manage to do it under a risk-controlled environment. In this article are explored the strategies and tools related with the modeling and simulation of processes, that can help to get these purposes and others related. 
To achieve it, first, it is necessary to address the conceptualization required to understand results-oriented process management. Next, going further in the concepts of modeling and simulation, and in other related subjects, leading at this point the use and the most outstanding characteristics of the software of simulation, including the advantages and disadvantages of its purpose. Then, intensifying the description of the FlexSim software, exploring the main features and the ease that it offers for the usage as well as for the analysis of the outcomes of the simulations.
Finally, some sections are included to expand these themes, making a particular and more detailed study to relate them with the construction processes and scenarios, and their importance for risks management, debugging and validation of models. 

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How to Cite
Ramón-Elizondo, A., & Barboza-Arguedas, R. (2019). Use of simulation in construction processes. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 32(4), Pág. 145–157.
Artículo científico


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