The carbonization of biomass waste: an exploration with exciting prospects

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Jaime Quesada-Kimsey


This paper offers a general view of the subject of carbonization of waste biomass. Just as well, it briefly describes two related projects currently under execution at the TEC. Both projects are focused on carbonization of waste biomass from the industrial processing of coffee, in a joint effort with Coopetarrazú.The project initiated in 2011 is dedicated to carbonization of dried wastes and will explore energetic as well as agricultural use of the charcoal. The one initiating in 2012 focuses on the hydrothermal carbonization of biomass in waste slurries.

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How to Cite
Quesada-Kimsey, J. (2012). The carbonization of biomass waste: an exploration with exciting prospects. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 25(5), pág. 14–21.
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