Evaluation of planting density and level of fertilization in rice, for the varieties Palmar-18, Lazarroz FL and NayuribeB FL, in Parrita (central Pacific), Costa Rica

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Juan Gabriel Arias-Badilla
Edwin Antonio Esquivel-Segura
Rooel Campos-Rodríguez


The materials released in Costa Rica for rice cultivation (Oryza sativa L.) to date do not receive a  differentiated management from producers of the central Pacific and south zone of Costa Rica, despite the high variability in the level of tillering and the productive capacity. To determine the effect of different sowing densities and different levels of fertilization on the yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) an assay was carried out in the farm La Ligia, which is owned by the company DAPASA, in Parrita, Puntarenas. The experimental design was randomized, of complete blocks with nine treatments and three repetitions, one for each of the varieties (Palmar 18, Lazarroz FL and NayuribeB FL). The treatments compared three planting densities (75, 115, and 155 k seed / ha) and 3 fertilization levels of N-P-K (50-50-50, 100-50-0, 100-50-100 kg / ha). The variables evaluated were yield (ton / ha SL), number of tillers / plants, number of panicles / m², number of full grains, and weight of 1000 grains, all of them  evaluated in the harvest of the 1st dry season  in year 2017. For all treatments, significant findings were achieved. Planting density of 155 kg seed / ha  allowed the best yields for the three varieties. Crop yield in every variety was improved after 100-50-100 kg fertilizer / ha  was supplied. Lazarroz FL yielded at highest rates (ton / ha SL), followed by NayuribeB FL and Palmar 18.

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How to Cite
Arias-Badilla, J. G., Esquivel-Segura, E. A., & Campos-Rodríguez, R. (2020). Evaluation of planting density and level of fertilization in rice, for the varieties Palmar-18, Lazarroz FL and NayuribeB FL, in Parrita (central Pacific), Costa Rica. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(3), Pág. 13–24. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v33i3.4363
Artículo científico


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