Prevention and attention of dropout and school exclusion. I am into it

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Katia Franceschi-Sojo


In Costa Rica, dropout and school exclusion at High school can be prevented and attended to through the application of good educational practices, designed and executed by teachers and administrators with the purpose of permanence, reintegration and school success. Various extracurricular activities are developed, that promote values   and attitudes that make the student grow personally and academically, having a better interaction with their peers and the school environment.

The Government Universities Cooperation Agenda unites Public Universities with the Ministry of Public Education, to promote these good practices throughout the national territory.

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How to Cite
Franceschi-Sojo, K. (2019). Prevention and attention of dropout and school exclusion. I am into it. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 32(6), Pág. 16–24.
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