Development and Validation of a Methodology for Quantification of the Soil Erosion through UAS Photogrammetry

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Sergio Arriola-Valverde
Karolina Villagra-Mendoza
Maikel Méndez-Morales
Natalia Gómez-Calderón
Milton Solórzano-Quintana
Renato Rimolo-Donadío
Renato Rimolo-Donadío


In this paper, the development and validation of a methodology for quantification of hydric erosion in land plots with low vegetal coverage is proposed, through photogrammetry with unmanned aerial systems (UAS). The process consists of the generation of a historical database of digital elevation models (DEM) over a study area from photogrammetric surveys, which is spatially related to on-site ground control points (GCP). This information is used for the creation of DEMs in a “RASTER” format, from which the displaced volumes of soil are estimated over time. These calculations are totalized from a reference level for the quantification of eroded/displaced soil volumes. This article presents a case study, where relevant aspects are discussed in terms of data collection, control point requirements, and data interpretation, reaching a maximum spatial resolution of about 1 cm/pixel.

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How to Cite
Arriola-Valverde, S., Villagra-Mendoza, K., Méndez-Morales M., Gómez-Calderón N., Solórzano-Quintana M., Rimolo-Donadío R., & Rimolo-Donadío R. (2019). Development and Validation of a Methodology for Quantification of the Soil Erosion through UAS Photogrammetry. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 32(5), Pág 43–52.
Artículo científico


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