Relation of soil parameters on the diversity and spatial distribution of free-living nematodes

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Elder Eduardo Castilla-Díaz
Euriel Millán-Romero
Jaime Mercado-Ordoñez
Carlos Millán-Páramo


It was been a study on the diversity, It was been a study on the diversity, It was been a study on the diversity, richness, dominance and equity of nematofauna and the relation of these organisms with some physical and chemical parameters of soil at 15 sites in three locations in the Sucre department , Colombia. Using the methodology of Jenkins (1964), a total of 4,683 individuals were extracted, identified using taxonomic keys, in 22 genera and one not determined (c.f Dorylaimida). The soil parameters were performed using methodologies IGAC (2006) and diversity was estimated using diversity indices, relating these two factors greater abundance of nematodes was observed in sandy loam soils, mainly of the genera Criconemella, c.f. Dorylaiminae and Helycotilenchus. The humidity, porosity, organic matter and pH have no relation in terms of the diversity of nematodes identified. Contrary to the soil texture and silt fraction that if they are related to the abundance and diversity. However, the presence of the genera Criconemella and c.f Dorylaiminae are not determined by these soil parameters.

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How to Cite
Castilla-Díaz, E. E., Millán-Romero, E., Mercado-Ordoñez, J., & Millán-Páramo, C. (2017). Relation of soil parameters on the diversity and spatial distribution of free-living nematodes. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 30(3), 24–34.
Artículo científico
Author Biographies

Elder Eduardo Castilla-Díaz

Biólogo. Universidad de Sucre, Colombia.

Euriel Millán-Romero

Ingeniero Agrícola, M.Sc Suelos y Nutrición de Plantas. Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Sucre, Colombia.

Jaime Mercado-Ordoñez

Biólogo, M.Sc: Gestión y Auditoría Ambiental. Universidad de Sucre, Colombia.

Carlos Millán-Páramo

Ingeniero Civil, M.Sc Ingeniería Civil. Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Sucre, Colombia.