Preliminary assessment. Treatment of mercury from fluorescent light bulbs and street lighting

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Juan Carlos Salas-Jiménez
William Benavides-Ramírez


The activity under study is a process for inerting mercury lights (fluorescent bulbs and waste). This is crushed and mixed waste sulfur heating applying a polymer to form mercury sulfide to yield a solid, inert, stable and low leaching, which may be disposed in a landfill. The heating causes annoying vapor generation sulfur odor which is unpleasant, so that a change of the treatment method was performed without heating by using a luminaire scrap mixture with sulfur and mortar (sand and cement), where preliminary laboratory tests show positive results, for testing at pilot plant with this new method at room temperature. This project was developed in one of the productive activities has the Center for Research in Environmental Protection (CIPA) of the Technological Institute of Costa Rica. 

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How to Cite
Salas-Jiménez, J. C., & Benavides-Ramírez, W. (2015). Preliminary assessment. Treatment of mercury from fluorescent light bulbs and street lighting. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 28(4), pág. 78–85.
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