Some considerations about environmental not formal education (Technical note)

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Jorge Villadiego-Lorduy
Dennis Huffman-Schwocho
Adolfo Cortecero-Bossio
Richard Ortiz-Sánchez


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the various conceptions of non-formal environmental education as well as developing an appreciation of the current economic model based on overproduction and overconsumption to a few and scarce for most, without omitting the distinction between growth and sustainable economic development. An analysis of some jobs or experiences delivered in non-formal environmental education at Latin America, as well as factors that do not favor the implementation of processes in non-formal environmental education is established. Finally, some general elements on which a model could be structured and participatory non formal environmental education are defined. Like some conclusions and recommendations on the issue. 

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How to Cite
Villadiego-Lorduy, J., Huffman-Schwocho, D., Cortecero-Bossio, A., & Ortiz-Sánchez, R. (2014). Some considerations about environmental not formal education (Technical note). Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 27(3), pág. 136–146.
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