Overview of the high precision industry in Costa Rica

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Natalia Robles-Obando


This study of machining practices in Costa Rica details in depth the state of the art of the high precision industry sector, based on the study of representative corporations. The main objective was to identify the practices and establish the research needed to improve them. The results were contrasted with the practices of an international corporation as well as with knowledge obtained from experts of this industry.

Most of the case studies stated that often they find the designs to be missing the part and assembly functionality; hence, they think it would be very useful to enhance people with such knowledge at the university stage. The study also found that very few people in the companies are capable of performing adequate designs.

It was found that despite the recent economic crisis and the globalization side effects, this industry has potential to grow, mainly due to the ability and technical knowledge they demonstrate to have.

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How to Cite
Robles-Obando, N. (2013). Overview of the high precision industry in Costa Rica. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 26(4), pág. 85–91. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v26i4.1586
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