The efficient use of electricity in sugar mills as a contribution to sustainable development in Nicaragua

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Napoleón Vicente Blanco-Orozco
Eduardo Arce-Díaz


This article addresses how the efficient use of electricity and, thus, changing the culture of its use in the industrial sector of sugar mills, contributes to sustainable development in Nicaragua. It is shown that today, in order to meet the demand of electricity in Nicaragua, fossil fuels are mainly used to generate electricity, which causes environmental pollution and economic and technological dependence. Therefore, it is necessary to promote a change in the culture that involves a form of efficient and rational consumption of electricity. To improve the efficiency in the consumption of electricity of sugar mills and to reduce high energy intensity, it is necessary a comprehensive energy management that allows energy saving. In addition, we propose the use of alternative technologies such as passive solar energy or bioclimatic architecture, automation, cogeneration and low temperature solar thermal energy as ways to reduce the environmental impact caused by the electric power generation using fossil fuels.  Therefore, it is proposed to change the culture of energy use in order to employ it efficiently and also take advantage of other alternative forms of energy.  Finally, it is necessary to educate consumers in new values to build a new energy and environment culture, allowing to increase productivity, competitiveness, and reduce negative environmental impacts of the generation of the the power generation using fossil fuels.

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How to Cite
Blanco-Orozco, N. V., & Arce-Díaz, E. (2013). The efficient use of electricity in sugar mills as a contribution to sustainable development in Nicaragua. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 26(3), pág. 83–92.
Artículo científico